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Denomination and Participation

Club Fee + Player Registration Fee have to be paid before the 2nd round of games. DEAD LINE TO ADD PLAYERS TO THE ROSTER IS 5 DAYS BEFORE LAST GAME OF 1ST STAGE.


Registration set price for each player is mandatory (Every participant must be registered and must be checked before the game, otherwise they will not be able to participate and the team will lose 3 points in the overall group table plus pay a $100 fee)


Art. 1 – The Junior/Youth Category Championship will initially be played by the following Clubs/Academies



Trophies and titles

Art. 2 – The team that finalizes in first position at the end of the competition is considered the winner, and will receive the title of Champion of the U.S. Premier Soccer League. The second placed team will be denominated Vice-Champion.


U6, U8, U10, U12, and U15 winners will receive medals, with the ultimate champion receiving the “U.S. Premier Soccer League” cup-trophy. Vice-champions will receive silver medals.


The Best Player in the final for U6, U8, U10, U12 and U15 categories will receive the “Gold Player Trophy“(MVP)

The Best goalie in the season for categories U6, U8, U10, U12 and U15 will receive the “Best Goalie” trophy.


Dispute form

Art. 3 – The United States Premier League Soccer Championship will be played in 3 (three) Phases, according to the below description and in accordance with the following articles.


1st Phase, 2nd Phase, 3rd Phase


Single turn between 6 to 8 games (depending on groups and schedules), Semifinal and Final


Art. 4 – The 1st Single leg Phase will be disputed by the registered teams, forming the category group, which will play 6 to 8 games in Home-Away format, according to the schedule prepared by the league’s technical unit. The winning team in each game will received 3 points and tied games will get 1 point. Zero points will be given to the team that losses the game. The best teams classified in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places will qualify to the 2nd Phase/Semi-Final (based on the criteria established in these regulations).


In the case that 9 or more teams were registered in the same group, teams 1st-to-4th will dispute a golden division and teams in 5th –to- 8th positions will have a chance to dispute the silver division. The awards will be given to both divisions. Only the trophy award will be different.


Art. 5 – In the 2nd Phase/Semifinal the teams will be grouped according to article 4 and according to the position obtained in the 1st Phase.


Team positioned in 1st Place will verse the team in 4th Place in a single game. Minutes of games will be determined by the league.

Team in 2nd place will verse the team in 3rd place in a single game. Minutes of games will be determined by the league.

First Paragraph – All matches in the stages of semi-finals and finals will be played on a field provided by the United States Premier Soccer League.


Second Paragraph – If, at the end of the 2nd Phase, the teams are tied, the winner that plays in the final will be decided by penalties. # of penalties will be defined before league starts.


Art. 6 – In the 3rd Phase/Finals, the winners of each Semifinal games will formed the final phase as detailed below


Winner of semi-final A will verses Winner of semi-final B


Third Paragraph – FINAL phase will be played in a SINGLE GAME format


If at the end of the match of the 3rd Phase/Finals, the teams remain tied, PENALTIES WILL BE SHOT to decide the champion winner. No extra time or golden goal will be allowed. The numbers of penalties shots will be determined by the league board.


Tiebreaker Criteria and Technical criteria

Art. 7 – At the end of the First phase, and by observing the provisions contained in these Regulations, in the case of 2 (two) or more teams being tied in the number of points earned, the tiebreaker criteria to determine which teams classify to the next phase will be obtained through the below criteria and in the following order:


Game conditions and deadlines for player registration

Art. 8 – Players who are duly registered in the United States Premier League will be eligible to play in the competition, as established by current regulation; registrations must be made by TUESDAY 5 PM prior to the game.


For the registration of each player and coach, a federal document from the country of origin of the person, an official photo (of the face, without sunglasses and without a cap or hats) will be uploaded / presented to the league administration. In case no documentation is given, the player will not be able to play. Based on previous seasons, the team will lose the points and it will receive a $100 fee from the league.


Art. 9 – The Player and any member of the club technical staff who are expelled from the field or pitch or from the substitute bench, will be automatically excluded from participating in the next match of this League. The club will be charged $100 as a disciplinary action. Coaches must be an example to our children and parents.


Art. 10 – The player who has been given a blue card (calm down card) will be removed from the field for 3 minutes or until the other team scores a goal before the 3 minutes.


First Paragraph — Any players who are registered in a lower age category can be added to the final roster at any time <as long as he is registered in younger age Group>.


No older kid should be registered and playing in younger groups. The league staff will verify age groups are fair. USPSL aims to be the only league in the east coast that certifies group ages in pro of a fair play, fair game for your children.


Art. 11 – In competitions in the Non-Professional Category – players will have the minimum age limit to participate in each category. The times to play are also below.


  • 2003 – 2004 — U20 (11v11) 80 minutes
  • 2007-2008  — U16 (11v11) 70 minutes games, 35 each half
  • 2009-2010 – U14  (11v11) 60 minutes game, 30 each half
  • 2011-2012 — U12 (9v9) 50 minute game, 25 each half
  • 2013-2014 – U10 (7v7) 40 minute match, 20 each half
  • 2015-2016 – U8 (7v7) 30 minute match, 15 each half
  • 2017-2018 – U6 (4v4) 30 minute match, no goalie. 15 each half

The acceptable time delay for kick –off are only 15 minutes. Local team might lose points if delay is over the limit. The league board will assess the situation (if it happens) and decide on the game points or remaining allowable game time.


General provisions

Art. 13 – The change of date, time and place of the game will only be resolved by the 2 teams involved in the game and the league board. A mutual agreement in writing and by email, by TUESDAY 5PM must be provided. There is no damage to third parties.


Sole Paragraph – Game that changes the sequence of the rounds will not be allowed; except for reasons of force majeure or at the discretion of the league board.


Art. 14 – Due to bad weather, the team that plays at home may reschedule the match by the end of the 1st phase. Loss of points will be determined by the league in case there is no mutual effort to make up the game as soon as possible. Teams responsible for cancelling the game may lose 3 points if the game is not rescheduled before 1st phase end.


Art. 15 – Due to bad weather, the game may be suspended by the league board. New date, time and place will be determined by the affected teams.


Art. 16 – When there is a coincidence of uniforms, the visiting team of the match will be obliged to change the uniform or wear vests.


Art. 17 – The referee fees are paid in cash, Venmo or Zelle before the game starts.


By Law and Regulations


Art. 18 •Field locations and game time can be changed by TUESDAY 5 PM prior to the game time and as long as the USPSL and the other Club are notified. In Cancelation due to weather the club needs to let know the league and the opponent immediately or first thing in the morning.


  • Referee
    Art. 19 U.S. Premier Soccer League is trying to get referee officials, for the clubs, in case needed. All the officials need to be Registered in our website and wear uniforms (referee uniforms are mandatory). In the case that your club doesn’t follow regulations, a warning or penalty fee will be given by the league. USPSL has official referee shirts with our USPSL logo if needed. Please contact us.

Referee Program is offered per game at $35 per hour for a minimum of 2 hours.


Art. 20 • Filming, Photos and Live Streaming. We will promote your club and your schedule with the league in our social media platforms. After your games, please send us the goals in videos to post in our social media channels. You can contact info@uspremiersoccerleague.com

Art. 21 • Roster – if a player is not listed in the online roster, the player can’t play (all players need Birth Certificate or copy of Passport in our system). You can’t use a player from other group age that is not in your Roster. That means that if there is a young player who you want to include, add him to your Roster. You can add a player to the Roster 5 days before game kick-off. If you don’t know how to check the online roster, please let us know. Remember that only REGISTERED players with the league can play. Players who didn’t play the regular season CAN NOT PLAY



Art. 22 • Game Paperwork *- Best Players will be chosen by the league and clubs.


Art. 23 • *Code of Conduct * Fighting or disrespectful conduct during any game from parents, players or any club member will be addressed and evaluated by a disciplinary board formed by neutral members, president and director of the league and the club involved can be sanctioned with fees ranging from $100 to $300 for each player or person involved. In case the club refuses to abide with disciplinary action, the say club will lose 1 or 3 points on the standing table (determined by the disciplinary board). Strict disciplinary action may include the club removal from the competition and no refunds of money paid.


The league has ZERO TOLERANCE for fights or misconducts (i.e. discriminative statements, racial slurs, violent language, bullying, drug/alcohol abuse, etc.) that violate the code of conduct provided to each club. The league aims to provide the kids with a safe environment and promote fair play, courtesy, sportsmanship and positive behavior (from all people involved in the game). Parents are key to the success of the league. Parents are member of USPSL family and due to that role they must support the development of a great environment for soccer.

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